life What has to happen, will happen! What's more difficult? Knowing beforehand the exact moment you would talk to a person for the last time, or staying oblivious to the odds of future. In both the scenarios, though the event is common, the before & after is very different. In the
thoughts Say cheese! And smile for the đź“· I never liked having my photos taken. To me, it always felt awkward to pose or smile in front of a camera, for no reason whatsoever. For so long, I didn't even know how to smile for the camera. But lately, I have started
thoughts What doesn't kill us makes us stronger Have you heard the above quote? It’s a famous quote by German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche. Do you know what’s the real meaning behind it?
life A happy ending Even though life might not give us a happy ending. We can still read stories, watch movies, listen to songs & poems which have happy ending. Even if life doesn’t give us happy ending, stories can. In those stories we imagine ourselves, having
thoughts Work Work Work Many moons ago I saw the above status, and it got me thinking. Why should I work? Why does anybody work? A very high level view is, people work to satisfy their hunger. For some it's for satisfying the basic need of body, hunger
life Blast from the past Since past few days I have been reading a book “The Course of Love”. There are many quotes which I liked from the book, but there's one which made me think: We all constantly interpret the present through the distortion of the past. Which
life Settling down? When a person decides to get married, they say, they want to settle down. Why? Settling down has such a negative tone. Why attach it to such an important decision of your life. Why settle down, when you can elevate yourself. I don't want